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The Chick is Growing Up !!

Well, it seems that there is clearly only one chick remaining. But this one is getting very big - when standing it looks to be about 80% of the adult size. The downy feathers are slowly disappearing, and a first attempt at flight may not be far off. The mother seems to be feeding about 2-3 times/day now, and from what I've read, the feedings will continue in the nest for several months even after the chick is flying.

This particular Mangrove bush is chock full of nests, but most are barely visible. I have counted around 5 Anhinga nests and some of these chicks must be flying now since I'm seeing fewer occupants. They are likely older than the GBH, but I only really noticed what was going on here when I first saw the Great Blue building a nest.

An added discovery 2 days ago was spotting a Little Blue Heron nest in a small Mangrove that is somewhat closer. It's much closer to the ground, but I have spied 3 chicks now.

Lastly, the one Anhinga shot I got this week....

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